F.A.R.M. Club 










          The next F.A.R.M. Club meeting will be on Sunday, March 4th, 2007

at the Warren County Fairgrounds at 6:00 pm.


DON’T FORGET: The Club’s Spring Get-together/Pizza Party/Silent Auction

and Annual Corn Hole Tournament will be on Sunday, March 11th at the Warren

County Fairgrounds from 2 to 7 pm.


The cost will be $10.00 per couple, singles $5.00 and kids free.  If your

diet doesn’t include pizza please feel free to bring a sack lunch and join us at

no charge. Don’t miss this fun time!!! RSVP to Homer Hurtt 513-932-5217 (eattie72@aol.com).


Donated items for our silent auction fundraiser are needed such as crafts,

 pictures, baked goods, or tractor parts. 


          Walter and Dawn Biggs have a little “red” tractor driver that arrived on Saturday,

 Feb. 3rd.  He has been named Walter William Biggs and has a big sister, Maria.  Walter

and Debbie Biggs are the proud grandparents.


          We extend “get well wishes” to Cecil Lumley recuperating from heart problems;

Ron Loesche from shoulder surgery; Cindy McCandless from gallbladder surgery and

Howard Hale as progress is slow on hip replacement.


Upcoming Antique Tractor Shows:

          May 12th – Tractor Supply Co.,Wilmington (Old Wal-Mart) 10-3 pm

                            Prizes awarded.

          July 28th – Corwin Tractor Show 9-3 pm


          If you have any questions, please contact one of our three directors:

 Russ Rolke 513-248-2501:  Walt Biggs, Sr. 513-932-7732: Glenn Williams 513-398-6739

 or check the website at www.thefarmclub.org.


See you at the meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pat Hacker